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Beat the blues of depression, anxiety & alcohol withdrawal by taking a Tofisopam tablet. With salts that have calming properties, this capsule relaxes your mind so that you stay at ease and in line with your inner self. The medicine helps keep the feelings of disinterestedness in activities, sadness, lack of enthusiasm, & irritability, etc. at bay. Adults are recommended to have a 50 to 100 mg dosage, up to three times every day. Those who are aged 18 years or less are not recommended to take Tofisopam.

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Beat the blues of depression, anxiety & alcohol withdrawal by taking a Tofisopam  tablet. With salts that have calming properties, this capsule relaxes your mind so that you stay at ease and in line with your inner self. The medicine, consisting of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, helps keep the feelings of disinterestedness in activities, sadness, lack of enthusiasm, & irritability, etc. at bay. Adults are recommended to have a 50 to 100 mg tablet dosage, up to three times every day. Those who are aged 18 years or less are not recommended to take Tofisopam. Patients with severe mental disorders like obsessive-compulsive disorder can also take this medication under medical guidance. Learn more about the product details of Tofisopam from the information below.

Benefits of Tofisopam

Treats Depression

Tofisopam is a type of benzodiazepine. The tablet gives the desired results by stimulating the effects of a chemical messenger, GABA, which reduces the activity of those neurons to which it is bound. In other words, GABA subdues the extreme activity of the brain’s nerve cells. It has a calming effect after consumption.

Treats anxiety

The drug cures anxiety and various anxiolytic effects without causing any side effects of a muscle relaxant or sedative. Tofisopam tablets are full of anti-amnestic properties & show desired results for signs of psychosis. The mental adaptation of this medication is very strong in anxiety disorder.

Treats alcohol withdrawal syndrome

The affected individual experiences one or more symptoms of this syndrome. These signs include nausea, headaches, anxiety, tremors, & hallucinations, among others.

Directions for consumption

Take the tablet only after getting a prescription from your doctor. If you miss a dose, do not worry. Simply take the next dose. However, do not take a double dose at once if you forget to take a dose.
Seek emergency medical treatment or contact the GP/psychiatrist in case of an overdose.
The efficacy of the drug may vary from person to person.

Possible side effects

Inform your GP/psychiatrist in case you’ve had an allergy due to any ingredient of this medication in the past. Also, do tell the medical practitioner about any other medical condition that you may be having. Complete the entire course of the treatment to avoid having any side effects or symptoms.

  • Nausea
  • Fever
  • Constipation
  • Skin Rash
  • Dry mouth
  • Sleeplessness
  • Vomiting
  • Headache
  • Drowsiness
  • Blurred vision
  • Epigastric pain
  • Muscle pain

Although it is rare to get adverse effects, If the side effects linger for a significantly longer period, take medical help right away.

Precautions for use:

According to clinical trials, some of the precautions suggested are:

Pregnant women

Pregnant women are not recommended to take this drug. If at all, consult your psychiatrist/GP & discuss all the risks associated with its intake.

Breastfeeding women

Tofisopam is not recommended for use by breastfeeding or lactating women. If you wish to take the medicine, talk to your GP/psychiatrist about the same & do as suggested by your doctor.


The effects of taking Tofisopam with alcohol are unknown. It is recommended for you consult your general physician/psychiatrist about the same.


Do not take the tablet if you’ve had an allergy from taking the medicine in the past or if you already have an allergy. Check with your medical practitioner about the associated risks & benefits if you still wish to take the drug.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it safe to take Tofisopam?

Relieve the symptoms of depression, anxiety, and alcohol withdrawal syndrome with these tablets. It is safe to take the drug in the prescribed dosage of 50 to 100 mg (as prescribed by your doctor), up to three times every day.

Is it a habit-forming drug?

Tofisopam does not have addictive properties. So, take the prescribed course without any worries about getting addicted. But do consult your GP/psychiatrist regarding the intake of these tablets.

Can I safely lift heavy equipment or machinery after taking Tofisopam?
You may feel dizzy after taking this medicine. So, avoid lifting heavy equipment or machinery after its intake. If the situation is urgent, ask your friend or loved one to lift the machinery or equipment.

Additional information


30-Tofisopam100mg, 60- Tofisopam100mg, 90- Tofisopam100mg, 120 -Tofisopam100mg, 150- Tofisopam100mg, 240 -Tofisopam100mg

Per Pills

£1.96, £1.81, £1.43, £1.24, £1.12, £0.95


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